Latest News Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband How Did He Die

Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die?

This article provides information related to the facts and question, Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die?  

Are you looking for information regarding Loujain Adada’s Husband? After the Netflix show Dubai Bling showcases the life of Loujain Adada and her lifestyle, everyone starts wondering what happened to her husband.

We all know that people say different things on shows to get into the limelight, but the readers are eager to know Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die? If this question is bothering you repeatedly, start reading the article until the end and know some interesting facts.

What happened to Loujain Adada’s Husband?

Every reader is looking for one thing after the episode of Dubai Bling got air, i.e., what’s the name of Loujain Adada’s husband and what happened to him? Loujain Adada’s husband’s name was Walid Juffali; he died in 2016. 

Walid Juffali was one of the wealthiest billionaires. He married Loujain Adada in a lavish ceremony where Akon, a famous name in the industry, came as a wedding singer. Walid died in 2016 because of cancer.

About Loujain Adada’s Husband- Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die?

He was diagnosed with cancer and had been battling it for a long time. He was a billionaire and one of the wealthiest people, so when the show aired, many of the viewers called Loujain Adada a gold digger. 

Walid Juffali lost his life in 2016, and he got married to Loujain Adada in November 2012. There is no controversy in the death of Walid Juffali as it is clear that he died fighting cancer but the thing that makes everyone suspicious about Loujain Adada is whether she knows the situation of her husband or not. 

Walid Juffali’s funeral and obituary 

It is clear Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die? There’s an obituary service available on the internet that mentions everything related to the late Walid Juaffali and the aftermath of his death. Walid died at the age of 61, and he was the chairman of “EA Juffali & Bros” company founded by his father, Sheikh Ahmed, in 1946. 

The obituary was released on July 31st 2016 and here it is mentioned that a sum of 90 million euros is given to the ex-wife, i.e., Christina Estrada. When he died, he was married to Loujain Adada. Walid Juffali had 6 children in which, 3 children from his first wife, i.e., Basma Al- Sulaiman and 3 from his second wife, i.e., Christina Estrade. 

The videos related to the show Dubai Bling are available on the internet, so if you want to check the whole story, you can take at it. 

Walid Juffali's funeral and obituary 

Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die? About his personal life

We already know the name and occupation of Loujain’s husband but now let’s look at his personal life and see some interesting facts related to it. 

Full Name-  Al- Walid Bin Ahmed Al Juffali
Date of Birth-  April 30th, 1955
Education has been done from-  Le Rosey
Occupation-  Chairman, E.A. Juffali and Brother 
Died on-  July 20th, 2016 
Place of Death-  Zurich, Switzerland
Wives-  Basma Al-Sulaiman (From 1980-2000), Christina Estrada (from 2001-2014) and Loujain Adada (married in 2012)
Father’s name-  Ahmed Abdullah Juffali
Mother’s name-  Suad Bint Ibrahim Al Husseini 
Brother’s name-  Khaled bin Ahmed Al Juffali
Cause of Death-  Cancer
Awards- Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, The Star of Palestine, Grand Cordon, Order of the Elephant, Order of the Saint Sylvester
Children- 6

Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die? Is there any suspicion related to the death of Wajid Juffali?

The death of Wajid Juffali is apparent that he died because of cancer, and there’s no doubt in it. After the episode of Dubai Fling aired on Netflix, everyone got one question, i.e., how can Wajid marry the third time and why did he choose a lady who is 36 years younger than him? 

In Saudi Arabia, men can marry up to four times after divorcing their previous spouse. He chooses someone younger than him; everyone wants to bond with a good-looking partner, and Loujain is a supermodel. 

Is Walid or Loujain have any social media accounts?

After getting the limelight on Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die? We have yet to learn about Walid Juffali whether he’s on Twitter or any other social media network but one thing is sure Loujain Adada’s social media account is filled with millions of views and followers. 

Her IG, i.e., the Instagram profile, has 627 posts, and she got several followers, i.e., 175K. Different companies have tie-up with her and that’s why she’s in the limelight even before marrying a wealthy billionaire. Here’s the Instagram link.

There’s no information about her Twitter account, but other research teams are trying their best to get every piece of information related to her and her late husband.  

We have talked enough about How Did He Die? And other information related to him but now, let’s put some light on the famous model Loujain Adada.

Is Walid or Loujain have any social media accounts

Who is Loujain Adada?

Loujain Adada is a famous Lebanese model who started her career at 14. She is a famous model, but she got into the limelight when she married an aged billionaire from Saudi Arabia. On Netflix, a recently released show Dubai Bling, showcases the stories of different personalities who married a billionaire, and their spouse died. 

She has a well-engaged Instagram account, but information about her other social media platforms needs to be mentioned. 

What’s the Net Worth of Walid Juffali?

The net worth of Walid Juffali is estimated at $9 billion but no one knows the exact amount because it is believed that he got many investments from around the world. Now, we know almost everything about Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die?

Some other things still have to be disclosed, so you need to keep reading the article every day as our writers will find updated information for all the readers.

Final Words

It’s better to know everything about the contestants before watching the show. We hope that you find the article helpful and will help you know about Loujain Adada and her late husband in detail, making you enjoy the show better.

Do you want to add any other information to the article? Please comment below.

Who Was Loujain Adada’s Husband? How Did He Die? FAQs 

1: Who is Loujain Adada’s Husband?

A: The name of Loujain Adada’s Husband name is Walid Juffali, and he was a billionaire in Saudi Arabia. 

2: Was the death of Walid Juffali natural?

A: In every article, it is mentioned that the death of Loujain Adada’s husband is natural, i.e., because of a heart attack.

3: How many wives did Walid Juffali have?

A: Loujain Adada was the third wife of Walid Juffali as, before her, there were two other wives whom he divorced, i.e., Basma Al-Sulaiman and Christina Estrada. You can check out the information here.

4: Does Loujain Adada involve in any affairs?

A: No information on the internet shows that Loujain Adada was involved in any affair apart from her husband. 

5: What is the username of Loujain Adada’s Instagram account?

A: The username of Loujain Adada’s Instagram account is LoujainAj. 

6: what is the profession of Walid Juffali?

A: Walid Juffali was a renowned business and one of the Saudi Arabian billionaires. 

7: Is Loujain Adada a gold digger?

A: As per the social media comments, many users considered her a gold digger. 

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